Learning and Education

school books

How to encourage your child to WANT to learn

Your guide to encouraging your child to become an active and motivated learner. Picture the scene: it’s approaching homework time, and you can feel your anxiety levels rising; you know you are going to have to start the oh-so-familiar battle soon. You’ve heard all the excuses and complaints before – ‘I CAN’T DO IT’, ‘please,…


How to give your child a positive transition to school

Is your child starting school soon? Here’s how you can help to make sure they are well prepared to make the transition to ‘big school’! When you think about it, children go through numerous small transitions every single day of their lives: the transition from home to car, the transition to their grandparents house, or…

Important things your child’s first teacher REALLY wants you to know

When your child is due to start school soon, it can be quite daunting for parents. Read on for some tips on what your child’s teacher would really like you to know. Your child has probably been attending nursery or a childminder for a while, and is happy and settled there; they have made friends…

Family bonding ideas: Hobbies and skills you can learn with your child

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had some great ideas of activities you could all share and genuinely enjoy together? Look no further than this handy guide. *While your here, please consider checking out my other articles, subscribing and liking my posts, as well as sharing them on your social media pages. You might also…

Home schooling: educational play ideas for when ‘formal’ fails

Struggling to engage your child with formal learning during lockdown? Read on for some simple play ideas and tips which will provide educational benefits. No doubt, parents are their child’s first teacher; we teach our children about danger, relationships, hygiene… and all kinds of other essential building blocks of life, without a second thought. But…

School after coronavirus: how to prepare your child to return

Life as we know it has gone out the window. In a world turned upside down with isolation and social distancing, how do we prepare our child to return to school? There is no doubt that children are aware of the ongoing pandemic, probablly more aware than we give them credit for. If your children…

Educational but FUN Youtube channels for kids

Most parents can relate to their child using YouTube more often during lockdown Here are my top child friendly channels, which may just teach them something too! It seems as though you can find everything on YouTube – from ‘how to’ videos, to cookery videos – YouTube seems to have it all. But there are…

How to nurture your child’s creativity

When our children enter the job market, creativity is going to be a key consideration. So how do we ensure children become (and remain) creative? Society often views creativity as art and craft type activities; the paintings we love our children bringing home from school or nursery (but secretly dread being asked to do at…

Late talking: How to improve your child’s early vocabulary

It can be quite concerning when your child doesn’t talk as much as you would expect, or is slow to start talking. So how can you make sure you are doing everything you can to help your child learn how to talk? As a parent, we all long for that first word from our children…

How to support bored children

Boredom can be frustrating for parents. But it can actually be really good for children’s development – and here’s why. I’ve been there, and I know it can be irritating complaints like ‘I’m soooo bored’ or ‘I don’t know what to do’ instinctively trigger a range of emotions in me – from frustration at my…

Child development: Teaching morals and values

It seems like tough challenges are always lurking just around the corner. So how can we teach our kids to make considerate choices based on ethical decisions? I think each and every one of us wants our child to grow up to be a good person. For me, having strong morals and values is an…

How do I encourage my child to challenge racism?

Children are the future of this planet, and their choices will shape future society. So how do we make sure we raise children who can promote positive change? With all the media coverage surrounding racism at the moment, I thought it was only right that I write an article about racism. It makes me so…

How do I encourage my child to be more independent?

Independence has many great benefits for your child. So how do you make sure your child grows into an independent and confident young person? ‘I can’t find it!’, ‘can you do it?’, ‘I don’t know how!’… would you like to never hear these phrases again?! OK, I’m exaggerating, I can’t get rid of those words…

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